Module 2 – Tables & Relations

Create database

You first decision will be to decide whether to create a desktop database or an Access web app. You will find in this Microsoft article, the information to help you chose the right method.

To make a long story short, a desktop will be the solution if you’re not using Sharepoint. This training will be on the Desktop solution.

So let’s start by creating our first desktop database from a template to understand quickly how it works.

Duration: 02:16

Create Tables

Because they store your data, tables are the backbone of your database. Each table contains information about a specific subject. 

Build tables and set data types

Duration: 04:16

Build tables with Table designer

Duration: 04:01

Use relationships

The power of a relational database lies in combining data across tables. To do that, you first need to establish relationships between your tables.. 

Get started with table relationships

Duration: 04:58

Create with the Relationships pane

Duration: 01:44

Add and Edit data

Take advantage of the streamlined editing, powerful querying, and helpful reporting capabilities in Access by copying data from an Excel spreadsheet. Put your data into an existing table or into a new, blank table. 

Copy data from Excel

Duration: 03:20

Link to shared data (Sharepoint)

Duration: 01:36